We’re not all created to live life the exact same way. In fact, our unique individual wiring is the secret sauce to the recipe that is our life. Here is where you’ll find out just what YOUR sauce is made of.


I’m Bree.

I’m a personal trainer and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. I help single mamas (and honestly anybody who wants to take better care of themselves) to find their balance and courage to maintain their overall health and wellness while living a life full of love and nurturing for themselves and their loved ones.

Currently residing in Texas, my seed has always been rooted in hospitality as I was born and raised in Mississippi. Alongside my Southern upbringing and work experience in the hospitality industry, I have had plenty of hands-on experience learning just how much food is at the center of our lives.


Good food brings people together. Sharing food, especially from the blessed hands of someone we know, love, and trust provides us with so much substance; love, laughter, essential nutrients.

Unless that substance is fried, smothered/covered, or fully salted and buttered. It’s because of these types of eating habits that have resulted in my lack of concern of what entered my body. I still ate my veggies, made green smoothies, etc. but my outrageous sweet tooth and unhealthy cravings overpowered all of that.


It wasn’t until I went through this season after I had given birth to my son that I started to really commit to my overall health and wellbeing within and all throughout. In this season, I had experienced various life-changing events including childbirth, baby blues, marriage, separation, and divorce at such a pace that just had me feeling completely shattered and filled with immense anxieties and depression that drained me of so much.

This was a time that left me feeling greatly disconnected and a bit lost, but the main thing that kept me connected to some sort of purpose was having to continue to show up as a mom. That’s a task that never stops. Watching my son growing up every day right in front of me was just a constant reminder of my desire to always be able to provide for him in whatever way possible. It was a reminder to continue to be better than the day before and to progress, not regress.

Dancing, exercising, and any movement of the like have always worked wonders by helping me relieve pressure and bringing the light in. So I began to bring myself back to life by just getting up and doing something of which incorporate some movement. In conjunction, I would begin to journal and devoted time to my spiritual life. Taking these steps, while progressively adding and adjusting as needed, I begin to create what are routine habits today to include these sorts of activities that are important to me and help me stick to the commitments I have made along the way of restoring and maintaining my health in a way that has brought more balance into my life for me to raise up my baby boy as healthy and happy as consciously possible.

That’s only a piece of what helps me stay balanced throughout everything life throws my way, but it’s a pivotal piece of my peace that helped me to realize how important self-care is especially when you have the responsibility of taking care of someone outside of yourself and that self-care is a critical part of maintaining your overall health. It’s also been a lesson to take things a day at a time. My journey is by no means a perfect one and is constantly being crafted every day. Some days are easier than others, but that’s just how life goes right.

So, as a result, I have created this wellness space because I want you to know that you are not alone and there is help available to you wherever you feel like you need it. It is most definitely ok for you to seek help wherever you feel like you need it.

So if there is something in you that has brought you to this page because you what better for yourself, whatever that may look like (exercise more, eat better, be happier, have better relationships, etc) I want you to know that you have a space to grow here, to transform yourself to who you’ve always imagined yourself to be. You are capable of all you aspire to be and I am here to help you see it through it by helping you set up simple, achievable steps tailored for your needs that will sustain you throughout your own personal journey. Here’s to being better together.

It’s Always About Your Health


Train your body for longevity

No matter what your age, body type, fitness mission, I can create a program to help transform your body however you desire.

Eat for Energy

Together we will explore what the proper diet and nutrition look like specifically for you.

Embrace You

Do you desire to have better skin, relationships, overall quality of life? It all starts with you