Showing Up in 2022

As I make my appearance into 2022 on this side of the realm, I’m coming out of a cave of reflection, intention, and rebirth as I set forth to achieve new heights and goals. I realize I should probably make some sort of reintroduction because let’s face it, who we are today isn’t exactly who we were 1 year ago, 6 months ago, or even the day before honestly. Who I am today though is the same as yesterday which is someone who gets overwhelmed with putting things out on the internet. However, in order to get to where I’m going, I am going to have to push through some uncomfortable spaces. So in an effort to do so, I figured I’d share some things (22 things that is) about myself so that you can grow familiar with who I am and follow along on this journey with me to where I’m going.

  1. I’m from Mississippi — that southern sweetness runs through my veins.

  2. I enjoy serving others.

  3. I’m a nurturer — I just love to love and be loved.

  4. I’m a mama! I have been for four years.

  5. If I had to chose only one type of music to listen to, it’d probably be trap music.

  6. If you’re into astrology, my sun, moon, and rising are sagittarius, gemini, and gemini, respectively.

  7. Words to live by: Where focus goes, energy flows. That’s how I like to live my life anyway.

  8. I don’t particularly care to talk about myself, but ask me anything and I’m an open book.

  9. My favorite color is yellow.

  10. Please do not ever smack around me unless you’re telling a story for dramatic effect.

  11. I love bread, but self-discipline.

  12. I wouldn’t be where I am or who I am if it wasn’t for my faith.

  13. I love listening to podcasts. My favorite ones right now are Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts, The Highest Self Podcast with Sahara Rose, and The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes.

  14. I love movement of pretty much any kind — exercise, dance, riding, skating. There’s not too much I’m opposed to.

  15. If we’ve ever shared anything, words, hugs, time, (positive) energy, I love you!

  16. I love to cook, simply because of how I saw the women in my family prepare meals. I learned to see it as an act of love. Now as a mother myself, I get to perform in this way for my own.

  17. Physical touch and quality (QUALITY) time are my love languages.

  18. I’ve always valued building connections and my relationships with others.

  19. I used to be a yes-man, a people pleaser of sorts — I used to never want anyone to feel bad/negatively because of me or anything I did, then I learned to say no.

  20. I love sweets, but self-discipline again. Some of my favorites include ice cream and cookies (preferably with nuts and/or white chocolate chips.

  21. Sunglasses are my favorite accessory.

  22. Finding gratitude in even the smallest of things keeps me going and from labeling my most challenging days as “bad” days.

So, now that you’ve made it to the end and know a little bit more about me, I’d just like to thank you for your time here. Please leave a comment, email, or DM me on social and let me know something about yourself. I’d love to get to know you as well. And don’t forget to subscribe to my email list to stay tuned for the next post.




‘22: The Assignment


How I Got Here