Habits I Created That Have Helped My Healthy Life

Growing up, I always took into account that prioritizing my health was important. My mom always tried to instill healthy habits and food within me and my siblings. Of course, as a young person growing up, I didn’t always prioritize what I knew I probably should have. I would always eat whatever I wanted, binge TV shows and movies, stay up late, etc. Basically all of the things that we all pretty much have a good idea of what doesn’t best suit a higher quality of life. So, by the time I got to college, my life was out of balance in various ways. It was during this time that I decided to take some of my first steps toward cultivating this lifestyle.

Still to this day, it has been a journey of trial and error, but here are some simple but solid habits I’ve picked up over the years that keep me leveled out and sane no matter what life may throw my way.

Watching my sugar intake

As a black woman in America, following the traditional American diet, I was bound to be diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes at any given point had I kept enabling those eating habits. As a means to combat that, I started cutting back on sugar in some of the smallest ways; no whipped cream or extra syrup in my coffee (because I was not giving up coffee), going on ice cream escapades once a week instead of three times (because mama really loves ice cream 😭), stuff like that. Then, slowly but surely, I was able to start cutting back more and more to the point where my taste buds were even starting to change around this the more I cut back. Stuff just started to taste too sweet.

Exercise/Physical Activity

I personally prefer to have an exercise routine or physical activity set up for 4-5 days out of my week. It is recommended that the average person exercise or engage in some sort of physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day. I’m sure the benefits of it are something we’ve all heard before, but for me, it truly keeps me energized, and out of my head rather than stuck in it with all of the intrusive thoughts I don’t want to have 🥴. Plus, there’s nothing that makes me feel more badass than knocking out workouts on top of mom life and the rest of my personal life.


Shoutout to COVID for this one. This was such a game-changer for me once I got the hang of it. I have some codependency issues and struggle with different forms of anxiety. Meditation and breathwork have helped me so much with managing that. It’s also helped me level up spiritually as well as made me more aware of my thoughts and understanding how my mind works in terms of what thoughts are actually mine, versus my conditioned egotistical mind. Basically, it has helped me become so much more aware of myself as a whole and has helped me learn more about who I am and the purpose put over my life which has contributed to my growth tremendously more than any school education has taught me.

My Morning Routine

Listennn, I just feel like if my morning routine is knocked out of wack in any way, so am I. This has become the one part of my day that is truly dedicated to myself. As much as I would so much rather sleep in, I would much rather wake up earlier than anyone else, so that I can nurture and take care of myself as needed before I start pouring into anyone else throughout the day, which is truly what I live for. I like to take this time to enjoy the quiet around me and sit with it for a bit (which is something I never used to be able to do previously) as I enjoy whatever morning hot drink I choose during that time. I’ll incorporate some sort of mindful activity by journaling or meditating, spend some devotional time with my higher power, and try to knock out a physical activity, usually yoga and/or HIIT. This all happens before making breakfast for my little one and getting him ready for his day. It truly sets the tone for the rest of my day and is probably why I never really classify any day as “bad” no matter how hard it could have been. Don’t get me wrong though, it does get pretty tough to get up so early sometimes, especially when I get knocked off course, but it has become such an essential part of my lifestyle that without it, my life feels that much harder.

I’d love to know if there is anything here that you’ve found helpful to contribute to your journey, and I’d also love to know what are some things that you do that’s helped sustain you throughout. Leave a comment here, DM me on social or shoot me an email. If you’re not subscribed to my email already, do so here so you can be alerted when the next blog drops.

Don’t forget to check out my coaching and training packages as well if you’re ready to take your health journey to the next level!

I always appreciate your time spent with me here.




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